Here I want to share about stocks.
This blog has shared information about stocks.
Today I want to share the base mindset about having stocks or buying stocks.
It's a farm.
Warren Buffett always has this analogy that I love to share with you guys.
Imagine you just bought a farm last week, or even yesterday. Then, some neighborhood comes and tells you to sell it half the price from where you purchased it. You will automatically it's a crazy idea for me to listen to them.
Yet many of us when stocks market tells us that the stocks/companies we owned drawn by 3% a day then we sell it. Just because a whole bunch of people make a complex formula and tell you to sell your assets 3% down does not mean you have to accept that. If complexity wins in the financial market, an accountant should be listed on Forbes 100. At least 50% of them are accountants and economists.
Back to the farm's story up there.
You guys know that In U.S, there is a four-season. Do you think your farm will produce corn or rice every season? Absolutely not. You will go through the winter season. Maybe in a year, it's not producing anything. But some of you may keep the farm, right? Because you know that this farm sooner or later will producing something for me. You knew the long run since the first day you owned the farm.
What's the difference?
It is easier to keep your emotional state with your farm than stocks.
For me, it is because of the noise! The news, social media, and some folks around you will talk about the stocks market all day long, every day. How about your farm? No one will talk about it instead of you.
I can't control media and folks around me not talking about the market. What I can control is either I listen to it, or I block it in my brain. Yes, it is hard, especially when you hang around with friends who talk about stocks drawing 5% or skyrocketed 5%. But please keep remembering why you owned the companies in the first place. What are you hoping for from it? Remember the long run.
I hope today's blog inspires you and helps you in the long run. If you find this blog helps and inspires you, please consider sharing it with your friends and family. Maybe they need it too. Cheers