I'm new to golf, but since last year when I first learned to hit the ball, I'm in love with the sport. As in this blog, I'm sharing my investment knowledge, experience, and portfolio. I will share about my hobbies to for example this blog will tell about golf, maybe some other time story about german shepherd dog.
Golf for me is not just a sport to have fun but many lessons you can learn in playing golf. This is what I learned so far :
Networking It's not that easy, but it's work. You will meet some people that are not too friendly. Maybe they just want to enjoy the game with their friends also. But it is not impossible to meet new people on the golf course and maybe pairing with them. We never know that our pairings will continue to work some business probably. In my opinion, just keep carrying yourself humble and kind. You never know who you possibly meet.
Patience It will take a lot of patience in golf. As I really love investing in stocks, this skill is one of the most important things. When you are angry, you will hardly hit a good shot. Also, when you are not in a mood, you will hardly hit a good shot. Self-control or mood control is critical before you take the shot. You have to think positively and let the body move!
Partnership I'm talking about integrity. I learned a lot that in golf often you will play with three or four-person people. You will know when your friends play badly and how they respond to it. You will also see when you play poorly how your instinct reacts to it. It will always be fun to communicate with people who have their intention with you. But in partnership, you will sometimes get a hard time, which will show how you or your partner respond to trouble. For me, I learned a lot to control my emotion and keep honest with myself and others. I think that's important.
Overall, In investing, you will need a partner to discuss, emotions control, and honesty. Without all that for me, I can't succeed in investing.
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